The Empowered Business Project


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The Empowered Business Project


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Our Atana Group Mentorship is perfect for people seeking growth and development. Mentees will not only benefit from their mentor, but also from other mentees. Our group mentorship allows multiple level exposure of expertise and gives access to greater diversity. It is ideal for those who wish to learn and develop with the support of their peers for the mentorship journey. We recognise that the need for mentorship for every individual may be quite different and budgets may not be the same. Our group mentorship makes it possible for you to collectively pool your resources together for a more affordable but equally quality beneficial mentorship experience.

Mentorship course options

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Assertiveness and confidence
  • Goal mapping and clarity
  • Public speaking
  • Business communication
  • Marriage preparation
  • Early years career navigation

How it works

Our course consists of a 4-week virtual mentoring combined with self-assessment assignment and guided introspection. Participants will have ample opportunity to ask questions and have limited one-on-one interaction and assessment with their mentor to address their individual needs.

How to apply

  • Step 1 – gather up to 5 friends with the same mentorship interest
  • Step 2 – complete the group mentorship form with all participants details
  • Step 3 – ensure all group members are available for reoccurring mentorship day selected for the 4 week duration
  • Step 4 – make payment for your mentorship
Once you have completed the steps above you will be contacted by the Atana team with acceptance confirmation and start dates.